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[Iraq] Voices from Participants to PWJ Vocational Training Course (4) ~ “I cannot describe my happiness. I am proud of myself, and my efforts were not vain” ~

“I cannot describe my happiness. I am proud of myself, and my efforts were not vain!” said Ms. J.A.H., an enthusiasm and hardworking participant in smile because she got job offers through participation in this vocational training course.
Since September 2020, PWJ has been providing vocational training courses in House Maintenance (electricity and plumbing), Beauty Salon, and Leadership to internally displaced persons (IDPs), women and youth from host communities inside and outside Shariya IDPs camp in Shariya Sub District, Duhok Governorate, Northern Iraq, in order to improve their livelihood skills or to develop human resources that can contribute to community cooperation. We will report voices received from the participants of the vocational training courses in four separate articles. In this fourth (last) article, we will share with you the voice of Ms. J.A.H., who participated in the vocational training course for Beauty Salon.

First picture
Participants learning make-up skills, while having close communication with each other.

For the first article, please go to:
For the second article, please go to:
For the third article, please go to:

Ms. J.A.H. (24) fled from Sinjar because of the armed attack and now lives with her relatives in Shariya town. When her family moved to Europe in 2015, she could not go with her family because she was a student in the last year of high school. Although her family tried by all means to reunite her after her graduation, all attempts have failed because she exceeded the legal age of minor. She had very difficult period being alone apart from her family, so she decided to occupy herself with something interesting such as learning how to put makeup. She also graduated the college, but she could not get job opportunities.
PWJ’s Beauty Salon training course was very attractive for her, and she decided to build the vocational capacities of herself in exploring the opportunity from PWJ. She felt very happy that she found the way to build profession in the world of the beautification, the area she has enjoyed for her time.

Second picture
Ms. J.A.H. learned quickly, having strong interests and motivation.

During the training, Ms. J.A.H showed her strong interest, efforts and enthusiasm to gain experiences; and she opened her way forward with her efforts. The trainer of the training course, who was selected from local beauty salon owners, found Ms. J.A.H.’s remarkable skills and potentials. As the result, Ms. J.A.H. got her first job offer from the trainer to be her assistant in a beauty salon after completion of the training course. Besides, during the internship period, she received another offer from the owner of the salon that she is currently working as an intern. She says in smile, “I cannot describe my happiness. I am proud of myself, and my efforts were not vain!”
PWJ has learnt a lot from the people living strong with hope for the future. PWJ keeps playing a role as the wheels to facilitate the people to take a step for the future.
This activity was funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and generous donations from our supporters. Thank you for your continuing support.